
Welcome to Ester Segal Lab! 

The research in our group lies at the broad interface between nanomaterials science and biotechnology. This rapidly advancing research area is commonly termed nano-biotechnology. Our research includes the basic study of structure-property relationships of nanomaterials and the application of this knowledge in the development of innovative materials and functional materials systems.

We are interested in nanostructured materials such as porous Silicon and their interface with soft matter e.g. hydrogels, biomolecules, and living cells. Understanding these interfaces allows us to rationally design biosensors for the detection of biological and chemical toxins, new drug delivery platforms, and functional responsive materials.

News and Media

Our two outstanding Ph.D. students, Xin and Kayan, presentation at the Bioanalytical Sensors Gordon Research Conference.

Congratulations to our new Ph.D. student, Liza Dahan! We’re wishing you all the best with your research.

Our amazing Kayan presented her research on enhancing the performance of porous silicon biosensors at the Jacobs Graduate Research Day.

Kayan @ research day 04062024

We are so proud of our 2 amazing Ph.D. students Xin and Kayan on their presentation at the PSST 13th edition of the Porous Semiconductors-Science and Technology Conference.

Just Published‏

Awawdeh K., Buttkewitz M., Bahnemann J., Segal E., Enhancing the performance of porous silicon biosensors: the interplay of nanostructure design and microfluidic integration. Microsystems & Nanoengineering 10(100) (2024). open access

Prinz Setter O., Gilboa A., Shalash G., Refael G., Tarazi Riess H., Shani Levi C., Lesmes U., Segal E., Introducing HaNTr – Halloysite Nanotubes Targeting System for The Selective Delivery of Antibiotics. Advanced Functional Materials 34(25) 2315923 (2024). open access

Sharma S., Prinz Setter O., Abu Hamad H., Segal E., Multifunctional Halloysite Nanotubes-Polydopamine Agro-Carriers for Controlling Bacterial Soft Rot Disease. Environmental Science: Nano 11, 1114-1128 (2024). open access

Heuer C., Jiang X., Ron G., Ternyak O., Bahnemann J., Scheper T., Segal E., Photonic Si Microwell Architectures for Rapid Antifungal Susceptibility Determination of Candida auris. Chemical Communications 60, 1305-1308 (2024). open access

Haimov-Talmoud E., Rosenberg M., Arshavsky-Graham S., Varon V., Shefi O., Segal E., Biolistic Delivery of Photosensitizer-Loaded Porous Si Carriers for Localized Photodynamic Therapy, Advanced Materials Technologies 8(23) 2300877 (2023). open access

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Prinz Setter O., Jiang X., Segal E., Rising to the surface: capturing and detecting bacteria by rationally-designed surfaces, Current Opinion in Biotechnology 83, 102969 (2023). open access

Jiang X., Borkum T., Shprits S., Boen J., Arshavsky-Graham S., Rofman B., Strauss M., Colodner R., Sulam J., Halachmi S., Leonard H., Segal E., Accurate Prediction of Antimicrobial Susceptibility for Point-of-Care Testing of Urine in Less than 90 Minutes via iPRISM Cassettes, Advanced Science 10(31) 2303285 (2023). open access

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